
In my effort to get rid of things I advertised my knitting machine. I got one answer and expected to get some $250 for it with table and all the books and wool winder – and got $25.   I phoned all round and they’re v. difficult to sell but it was in perfect condition, if basic. I was quite sad to see it go – but haven’t used it for yonks.

I think all these friends and acquaintances dying off make me realise more than ever we’re in that range for unfortunate occurrences. We’re both trying to get rid of junk etc. I’ve decided to take on some help again chiefly because I can’t face up to the idea of spring cleaning which hasn’t been done for years.

X allowed me to come into her garage and have a big clear out a month afterwards. I spent 5×9-hour days tidying and throwing the odd thing away! We gave away or threw away 3/4 of the gear!! Quite an achievement – X was very good and stayed away most of the time allowing me to work through it all.

I decided to sort out my famous drawer of stamps – I got in an awful mess of piles of this and that and about midnight started being a bit ruthless, came across a cut out embossed one of Queen Victoria – the kind you get on stamped PO envelopes. I must have cut it out in my youth, it was right round the edge of it, and out it went. Within days I saw in the paper the first embossed stamp of QV was now worth £2,000. I don’t know which printing it was but could have wept. X very kindly sieved the whole of the incinerator, and then undid all his little parcels of garbage in the dustbin, to no avail. Ah well, I suppose it was unlikely it was the right issue.