Children 8

I felt quite flattened after 9 days of dear little X and Y and her American friend for 5 of them. X is really delicious but totally time-consuming – so good and very intelligent tho’ he only has a few words. I think he enjoyed being king of the castle for once and not having to fight his brother for everything. I took him to the family service one Sunday. For half the time he sat in angelic silence but once he felt at home he walked up and down the pew and took a great liking to one of the young fathers who he clutched affectionately round the neck.

We had the family to lunch yesterday which was a trifle exhausting, though taken one by one they are all delightful small boys. I can’t think how she survives them all the time. Three Labrador puppies would be easier to cope with.

We went down to the X’s of course for lunch, passing at least 2 parks in which fathers were sitting with hordes of screaming children round them.

I’d be ashamed to leave the house: the children have wrecked their walls – I don’t remember you all being so destructive – apart from X who drew on all the hall walls when we were at Y, and X had to repaint them. (It was she who scratched her new wallpaper – aged 13 or 14 too – as I reminded her when her oldest tore a strip off his new wallpaper in the first week!) However perhaps I’ve given you all awful inhibitions with fierceness.

X is bumptious, rude, too clever by half and rather adorable!

X was trying to work a little helicopter thing his grandfather gave him (you know those things you pull a string and they take off). He wasn’t being very successful so GF decided to show him how, only to have the thing sail over the house, accompanied by X’s bitter comment ‘Now you’ve done it’! Luckily it landed the other side.

I told you about X’s black eye and the dr’s comment of being a ‘bloody stupid thing to do’ and her rejoinder that ‘very’ would do – and anyway it wasn’t bleeding!

I had X for the inside or a week, and he very earnestly told us at lunch one day that he thought Mummy was going to get a new baby soon, ‘I think she’s going to buy it at a shop’, I suppose it’s because he’s the youngest he doesn’t know better, the other two are very up in the subject!

She’s still as embarrassingly loving as ever, she attacked the vicar when he came to see me about something t’other day. I’m WAITING for her to grow out out of it – I can’t think of any way to stop her without giving her hang-ups. She’s also taken to having some terrific paddies, every toy was thrown out of the dolls’ cot the other day, the smack helped me but had absolutely no effect on her. However after about 10 minutes screaming, she came out of her room, pleasant as ever, gave me a big hug and said sorry for the noise and carried on as though nothing had happened.